Caibidil a Trí: The Verb (an Briathar)

conjugation of the regular verbs (an Réimniú na mBriathra Rialta)

traditional conjugation and dialectical differenced

This table contains all synthetic (und analytical) verb forms, independent of if they are still used in modern Irish or if they have been replaced by analytical suffixes (see below: explanations).
While many of these forms predominantly appear in older texts, the older orthography is included (in the 2nd conjugation, earlier also root suffix -uigh instead of -aigh).
In the past tense forms, the particle do is always included, today this is mostly omitted.

In the parentheses, there are the necessary additions for either a slender or broad stem ending
e.g.: -f(a)idh: either -faidh e.g.: dúnfaidh or -fidh e.g.: buailfidh)
In the future tense/conditional of the 2nd conjugation, -eo- instead of -ó- occurs in the slender stem ending
e.g.: -óidh e.g.: salóidh sé = he will soil, -eoidh e.g.: éireoidh sé = he will rise

 1st conjugation
e.g. buail = hit
2nd conjugation
e.g.: salaigh = soil
new spelling old spelling

present tense

he-(a)idhbuailidh sé-(a)ídhsalaídh sé-(u)ighidhsaluighidh sé
you (pl.)-t(a)íbuailtí-(a)ítísalaítí-(u)ightísaluightí

Habituelles present tense

I-(e)annbuaileann mé-(a)íonnsalaíonn mé-(u)igheannsaluigheann mé
you-(e)annbuaileann tú-(a)íonnsalaíonn tú-(u)igheannsaluigheann tú
he-(e)annbuaileann sé-(a)íonnsalaíonn sé-(u)igheannsaluigheann sé
we-(e)ann sinnbuaileann sinn-(a)íonn sinnsalaíonn sinn-(u)igheann sinnsaluigheann sinn
you (pl.)-(e)ann sibhbuaileann sibh-(a)íonn sibhsalaíonn sibh-(u)igheann sibhsaluigheann sibh
they-(e)ann siadbuaileann siad-(a)íonn siadsalaíonn siad-(u)igheann siadsaluigheann siad

preterite tense

I-(e)asdo bhuaileas-(a)íosdo shalaíos-(u)igheasdo shaluigheas
you-(a)isdo bhuailis-(a)ísdo shalaís-(u)ighisdo shaluighis
he-do bhuail sé-(a)ighdo shalaigh sé-(u)ighdo shaluigh sé
we-(e)amardo bhuaileamar-(a)íomardo shalaíomar-(u)igheamardo shaluigheamar
you (pl.)-(e)abhardo bhuaileabhar-(a)íobhardo shalaíobhar-(u)igheabhardo shaluigheabhar
they-(e)adardo bhuaileadar-(a)íodardo shalaíodar-(u)igheadardo shaluigheadh
one-(e)adhdo buaileadh-(a)íodhdo salaíodh-(u)igheadhdo saluigheadh


I-(a)inndo bhuailinn-(a)ínndo shalaínn-(u)ighinndo shaluighinn
you-t(e)ádo bhuailteá-(a)íteádo shalaíteá-(u)ighteádo shaluighteá
he-(e)adhdo bhuaileadh sé-(a)íodhdo shalaíodh sé-(u)igheadhdo shaluigheadh sé
we-(a)imisdo bhuailimis-(a)ímisdo shalaímis-(u)ighmisdo shaluighmis
you (pl.)-t(a)ído bhuailtí-(a)ítído shalaítí-(u)ightído shaluightí
they-(a)idísdo bhuailidís-(a)ídísdo shalaídís-(u)ighdísdo shaluighdís
one-t(a)ído buailtí-(a)ítído salaítí-(u)ightído saluightí

future tense

he-f(a)idhbuailfidh sé-óidhsalóidh sé-óchaidhsalóchaidh sé
you (pl.)-f(a)idhbuailfidh-óídhsalóídh-óchthaídhsalóchthaídh


I-f(a)inndo bhuailfinn-óinndo shalóinn-óchainndo shalóchainn
you-f(e)ádo bhuailfeá-ófádo shalófá-óchthádo shalóchthá
he-f(e)adhdo bhuailfeadh sé-ódhdo shalódh sé-óchadhdo shalóchadh sé
we-f(a)imisdo bhuailfimis-óimisdo shalóimis-óchaimisdo shalóchaimis
you (pl.)-f(a)ídhdo bhuailfidh-óídhdo shalóídh-óchaídhdo shalóchaídh
they-f(a)idísdo bhuailfidís-óidísdo shalóidís-óchaidísdo shalóchaídís
one-f(a)ído bhuailfí-ófaído shalófaí-óchaidhedo shalóchaidhe


he-(e)adhbuaileadh sé-(a)íodhsalaíodh sé-(u)igheadhsaluigheadh sé
you (pl.)-(a)igí (-(a)idh)buailigí (buailidh)-(a)ígísalaígí-(u)ighídhsaluighídh

subjunctive present tense

I-(a)dgo mbuailead-(a)íodgo salaíod-(u)igheadgo saluighead
you-(a)irgo mbuailir-(a)írgo salaír-(u)ighirgo saluighir
he-(a)idhgo mbuailidh sé-(a)ídhgo salaídh sé-(u)ighidhgo saluighidh sé
we-(a)imidgo mbuailimid-(a)ímidgo salaímid-(u)ighímidgo saluighimid
you (pl.)-(a)idhgo mbuailidh-(a)ídhgo salaídh-(u)ighídhgo saluighídh
they-(a)idgo mbuailid-(a)ídgo salaíd-(u)ighídgo saluighid
one-t(e)argo mbuailtear-(a)íteargo salaítear-(u)ighteargo saluightear

subjunctive preterite tense

I-(a)inndá mbuailinn-(a)ínndá salaínn-(u)ighinndá saluighinn
you-t(e)ádá mbuailteá-(a)íteádá salaíteá-(u)ighteádá saluighteá
he-(e)adhdá mbuaileadh sé-(a)íodhdá salaíodh sé-(u)igheadhdá saluigheadh sé
we-(a)imisdá mbuailimis-(a)ímisdá salaímis-(u)ighmisdá saluighmis
you (pl.)-t(a)ídá mbuailtí-(a)ítídá salaítí-(u)ightídá saluightí
they-(a)idísdá mbuailidís-(a)ídísdá salaídís-(u)ighdísdá saluighdís
one-t(a)ídá mbuailtí-(a)ítídá salaítí-(u)ightídá saluightí


In the table, the historical conjugation of Irish verbs is shown.
It contains thoroughly synthetic forms (except of course in the 3rd person singular and the analytical forms of the habitual present tense).

These conjugations in these forms are nowhere to be used today.
In a few dialects, some forms have remained, whereby there is a trend towards analytical forms now, in the North more than the South. Esp. in Ulster and Connacht, synthetic verb suffixes appear in Echo forms.


The conjugation suffixes with -t- - : t(e)á, t(e)ar, t(a)í - used to acty like the suffix of the verbal adjective.
There was instead of -t- after b, c, f, g, m, p, r -th- .
The voiced consonants b, g became through this voiceless [p] and [k].
e.g.: scuab = sweep: scuabthaí [scuapi:] = one swept, scuabthar [scuap@r] = one sweeps, scuabthá [scuapa:] = you swept
In many dialects, this is still used, in der standard orthography only in the verbal adjective (e.g. scuabtha [scuap@] = swept)

present tense and habitual present tense

The forms ending in -(e)ann were originally only habitual.
Only in the non-habitual present tense were there synthetic forms, non-habitual as an analytical form was -(a)idh.
Today, both are tenses fused in form ; the analytical form -(e)ann occurred not only as habitual but also as non-habitual and synthet. forms are today also (right now) in habitual use (buailim = I hit (now/always)

present tense

The form of the 3rd person -(a)idh is seldomly still used in Ulster (as a "historical present tense" in narrative forms).
By irregular verbs it reduced itself so -(a)idh in Ulster so that suffixless forms came about: tig sé = he's coming, tchí tú = you see
The 2nd person plural -t(a)í is no longer in use (in written Irish also -taoi instead of -taí)
The rest of the synthet. forms still appear in Munster, outside of that mostly only as Echo forms.
Only the 1st person singular -(a)im is still found regularly in all dialects, in the standard also the 1st person plural -(a)imid
In Connacht as an Echo- form of the 2nd person singular -(a)inns instead of -(a)ir (buailinns instead of buailir = you hit)

preterite tense

The plural forms of the 1st and 2nd person occur in spoken Munster Irish today with a slender-r: -(e)amair, -(e)abhair.
The forms of the 1st and 3rd person plural occur in Connacht and Munster, the 2nd person plural only still in Munster.
The rest of the synthetic forms occur regularly in Munster, outside of that mostly only in Echo forms.
In Munster ther are also by some irregular verbs suffixless forms in the 1st person singular: chonac = I saw, chuala =I heard, thána = I came


The imperfect forms are mostly maintained in the standard.
Only the 2nd person plural -t(a)í has completely vanished today (they were only by lenition able to be told apart from the autonomous form)
Instead of -(a)imis also-(e)amais or -(e)amaois/-(a)imís etc. (with a broad -m- and/or a long -í-)
In the 1st and 3rd person plural in Munster/Ulster also with -t: -(a)imist/-a(i)dist (bhuailimist = we hit)

future tense

Synthetic future tense forms are only still used in Munster , outside of Munster only in Echo forms.
The 2nd person plural -f(a)idh is uncommon without sibh today.
In the 1st person plural (-f(a)imid) there are variations with a broad -m-: -famuid, -fam
In Ulster, the old orthography of the 2nd conjugation is still recognisable in the pronunciation, -óch- is spoken there as [ah]. The old spelling is there then kept on: salóchaidh [salah@] instead of salóidh [salo:j]
In Connacht, the 2nd person singular acts as the Echo form -f(a)is instead of -f(a)ir (buailfis instead of buailfir = you will hit)


The synthetic forms are (except the obsolete 2nd person plural) still maintained in the standard.
For-f(a)imis similar variations apply as for the imperfect form -(a)imis:
For the 2nd conjugation in Ulster the to the future tense said (shalóchadh [halahu:] applies instead of shalódh [halo:])
In older orthography there is no -f- in the 2nd conjugation (instead of -ófá then-óchthá. The -f- was taken over from the 1st conjugation).


The 2nd person plural is today -igí. This form originated out of the form of the 2nd conjugation (old orthography) -(u)ighídh. This is spoken [i:gi:] in Munster and was integrated in the 1st conjugation as [@gi:] (instead of the rather confusing -(a)idh [i:])
The older -(a)idh held on longer after the stem final sound ending in -g,-c (e.g.: tuigidh statt tuigigí = understand!)
The 1st person plural can be said also -(e)am or -(a)imid instead of -(a)imis.

subjunctive present tense

The subjunctive present tense is equivalent in its forms to the future tense, just without -f-.
The suffix of the 3rd person singular (1st conjug.) -(a)idh is written -a, -e today.
The 2nd conjugation -(a)ídh is written -(a)í today.
In Ulster, th forms with -dh remained because in the pronunciation (except preceding pronouns) they are audible: -aidh [ai] (instead of [@])
(go dtagaidh do ríocht / go dtaga do ríocht = (that) thy Kingdom come)

subjunctive preterite tense

The subjunctive preterite tense and the indicative imperfect have identical forms. In the subjunctive the particle do is missing completely, instead, other particles/conjunctions are used(e.g. dá = wenn)


Gramadach na Gaeilge

© Lars Bräsicke 2002
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