Caibidil a hAon Déag:

the Numbers (na hUimhreacha) 

mixed numbers

fractions (uimhreacha codánacha)

- English 
alternatively with objects
(e.g.: úll = apple)
1/2 one half leath   leathúll ("half-apple")
leath an úill ("half of the apple ")
leath na n-úll ("half of the apples ")
1/3 one third trian   trian den úll ("a third of the apple ")
trian na n-úll ("a third of the apples ")
2/3 two thirds dhá thrian   dhá thrian den úll ("2/3 of the apple ")
1/4 one fourth ceathrú   an ceathrú (cuid) den úll 
3/4 three fourths trí cheathrú   an trí cheathrú (cuid) den úll
1/5 one fifth cúigiú   an cúigiú (cuid) den úll
4/5 four fifths ceithre chúigiú   an ceithre chúigiú (cuid) den úll
1/6 one sixth séú   an séú (cuid) den úll
1/7 one seventh seachtú   an seachtú (cuid) den úll
1/8 one eighth ochtú   an ochtú (cuid) den úll
1/9 one ninth naoú   an naoú (cuid) den úll
1/10 one tenth deichiú   an deichiú (cuid) den úll
1/11 one eleventh a haon ar a haon déag aondéagú an t-aonú cuid déag den úll
1/12 one twelfth a haon ar a dó dhéag dódhéagú an dóú cuid déag den úll
1/13 one thirteenth a haon ar a trí déag trídéagú an triú cuid déag den úll
2/13 two thirteenths a dó ar a trí déag dhá thrídéagú a dó ar a trí déag den úll
1/14 one fourteenth a haon ar a ceathair déag ceathairdéagú an ceathrú cuid déag den úll
1/15 one fifteenth a haon ar a cúig déag cúigdéagú an cúigiú cuid déag den úll
1/16 one sixteenth a haon ar a sé déag sédéagú an séú cuid déag den úll
1/17 one seventeenth a haon ar a seacht déag seachtdéagú an seachtú cuid déag den úll
1/18 one eighteenth a haon ar a hocht déag ochtdéagú an ochtú cuid déag den úll
1/19 one nineteenth a haon ar naoi déag naoidéagú an naoú cuid déag den úll
1/20 one twentieth fichiú   fichiú (cuid) den úll
12/22 twelve twenty-seconds a dó dhéag ar fiche a dó   let's not get carried away here!
1/100 one hundredth céadú   an céadú (cuid) den úll
1/1000 one thousandth miliú   an miliú (cuid) den úll

Fractions are mostly identical to the ordinal numbers
an ceathrú den úll = 1/4 of the apple (lit. "the fourth of the apple ")
an ceathrú cuid den úll = 1/4 apple (lit. "the fourth piece of the apple ")

mixed numbers

- English term Irish term with objects
(e.g.: úll = apple)
1 + 1/2 one and a half a haon go leith úll go leith
2 + 1/2 two and a half a dó go leith dhá úll go leith
2 + 1/3 two and one third a dó go dtrian dhá úll go dtrian
2 + 1/4 two and one fourth a dó is ceathrú dhá úll is ceathrú
3 + 1/5 three and one fifth a trí is cúigiú trí úll is cúigiú
3 + 1/6 three and one sixth a trí is séú trí úll is séú
3 + 1/7 three and one seventh a trí is seachtú trí úll is seachtú
3 + 1/8 three and one eighth a trí is ochtú trí úll is ochtú
3 + 1/9 three and one ninth a trí is naoú trí úll is naoú
3 + 1/10 three and one tenth a trí is deichiú trí úll is deichiú

go in go leith is an otherwise rare preposition meaning with (go leith lit.: "with half ", leith is the dative of leath)


na hUimhreacha
Gramadach na Gaeilge

© Lars Bräsicke 2000
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