Caibidil a Cúig: Prepositions (Réamhfhocail)

other prepositions

go (dtí) = to
go = with
gan = without
mar = as
os = over
seachas = except
is = until
a = to
dar = by

go (dtí) = to

go dtí lit: "until coming " (tí is an old subjunctive of tar = to come)

Initial Mutations :

Pronominal forms:


  1. The goal of a spatial movement (to): go dtí an teach = to the house , go only for plce names without an article: go Meiriceá = to America (for place names with article:  see do/chun)
  2. temporal length ( until ): go dtí an lá sin = up until this day , go only in idiomatic expressions: go maidin = until morning
  3. up to, except : Ní fheabhas go dtí é = There's nothing better than it

go  = with

Initial Mutations:

Pronominal forms:

- with poss.pron.
with my go mo
with your go do
with his gona
with her gona
with our gonár
with your(pl.) go bhur
with their gona


  1. with (rare): go n-onóir = with honour
  2. Measurements: ...and a half: go leith (lit.: "with half "). e.g: trí chéad go leith punt = 350 pounds
  3. in expressions.: go bhfios dom = as far as I know ( lit.: "with knowledge to me "), go gcuimhin liom = as far as I remember, go gclos dom = so I hear
  4. without eclipsis: see go (dtí)

There is a good case for the fact that the conjunction go = that comes from this preposition.
Etymologisch related with Latin "cum".

gan = without

Initial Mutations :

Pronominal forms:


  1. without: gan obair = without work
  2. double (or with ná): neither nor : gan obair gan arán = gan obair ná arán = neither work nor bread
  3. to negate the verbal noun: not : Tá mé sásta gan siúil = I'm fine to not walk.

mar = like, as

Initial Mutations :

Pronominal forms:


  1. like, as: mar bhean = as a woman, like a woman
  2. fitting, as (type of): gach éinne mar a dhúchas = everyone according to his nature
  3. mar atá = as there is, especially, namely
  4. mar gheall ar = because of: mar gheall ar an mbád = due to the boat
  5. mar le = for: (seeing as, in light of): Is breá an aimsir í, mar le geimhreadh = for winter it is nice weather.

os  = over

os is an old preposition, which today only finds use in set combinations, no lenition/eclipsis, also ós, uas,
earlier also prepositional pronouns uasam, uasat, uaiste, uasainn, uasaibh, uasta,
related with thuas, anuas, suas, lastuas (see directional adverbs)


  1. os cionn = over,above: os mo chionn = above me
  2. os comhair, os coinne = across:
  3. os ard = loud, open, public (adverbial)
  4. os íseal = with a soft voice, in secret
  5. os meán = off the scale

seachas  = except

seachas is a compound of seach and the copula is, this is why it is rarely seens as seach is or only seach (also rare with prepositional pronouns: seacham, seachat, etc.)


  1. others except: seachas thú féin = besides yourself, daoine seachas ise = people other than her
  2. other/rather than : an teach seachas an ceann seo = another house than this one
  3. seachas mar a + direct relative clause: compared to , like
  4. better than : seachas a chéile = rather than the other

is = until

only used with article an ( = is an) (actually: is an < i san = in the)


a = to

a is (almost) only used preceding verbal nouns,
It is actually a short form of the preposition do = to.
Sometimes, in older literature, and in Munster, do still is used instead of a:
e.g.: "chun na Gaedhilge d'fhoghluim" = chun na Gaeilge a fhoghlaim = to learn Irish.

Initial Mutations:


  1. in clauses like the "extended infinitive with to": e.g.: Bhí mé sásta míle a shiúl = I was happy to walk a mile.
  2. not in the "simple infinitive with to" or only rarely used
  3. instead of ag in the progressive in the relative clause: e.g.: an fear atá litir a scríobh = the man that is writing a letter. The object comes before the VN and is in the nominative/accusative (not the genitive)
  4. Except preceding verbal nouns, a appears rarely: e.g. in a chlog = O'clock : a trí a chlog = 3 O'clock

dar = by

A rather rare preposition, used in interjections and similar expressions.
e.g.: dar Dia! = by God!, dar m'anam! = my soul!, dar m'fhocal! = my word!


Gramadach na Gaeilge

© Lars Bräsicke 1999 / 2000
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