Caibidil a Trí: The Verb (an Briathar)

Irregular Verbs (na Briathra Neamhrialta)

bí = be

Irregular due to: various stems in the present (). Special habitual present (stem )
Stem also in the preterite, imperfect, imperative.
Stem beidh/beadh in the future, conditional and subjunctive preterite (here it is rather the same as the conditional instead of the imperfect!)
Special dependent forms in the present (fuil) and preterite (raibh).
Stem raibh also in the subjunctive present
Preterite particles are not used.

see here for the (non-standard) forms used in Munster
  indicative imperative conditional subjunctive
  present preterite imperfect future present preterite
1st person sg. tá mé, táim bhí mé bhínn beidh mé bím bheinn go raibh mé dá mbeinn
2nd person sg. tá tú bhí tú bhíteá beidh tú bheifeá go raibh tú dá mbeifeá
3rd person sg. tá sé bhí sé bhíodh sé beidh sé bíodh sé bheadh sé go raibh sé dá mbeadh sé
1st person pl. táimid bhíomar bhímis beimid bímis bheimis go rabhaimid dá mbeimis
2nd person pl. tá sibh bhí sibh bhíodh sibh beidh sibh bígí bheadh dibh go raibh sibh dá mbeadh sibh
3rd person pl. tá siad bhí siad bhídís beidh siad bídís bheidís go raibh siad dá mbeidís
autonom táthar bhíothas bhítí beifear bítear bheifí go rabhthar dá mbeifí

Habitual present and dependent forms
  habituell dependent
 present present
(an, go, nach, a)
(an, go, nach, ní, cha, a)
1st person sg. bím an bhfuil mé níl mé, nílim chan fhuil mé an raibh mé
2nd person sg. bíonn tú an bhfuil tú níl tú chan fhuil tú an raibh tú
3rd person sg. bíonn sé an bhfuil sé níl sé chan fhuil sé an raibh sé
1st person pl. bímid an bhfuilimid nílimid chan fhuilimid an rabhamar
2nd person pl. bíonn sibh an bhfuil sibh níl sibh chan fhuil sibh an raibh sibh
3rd person pl. bíonn siad an bhfuil siad níl siad chan fhuil siad an raibh siad
autonomous bítear an bhfuiltear níltear chan fhuiltear an rabhthas

Relative form

1st person sg.atáim, atá mé
2nd person sg.atá tú
3rd person sg.atá sé
1st person pl. atáimid
2nd person pl. atá sibh
3rd person pl. atá siad

verbal noun bheith 
genitive of the verbal noun noun
participle of necessity* beite 

As the relative form, atá (= ... that is) is used. It counts as a compound of a (the direct relative particle) and .
The verb tá was once always atá, but today the prefix a- only remains in the relative form.

níl (= is not) is a compound of and fuil, so: ní fhuil > níl (fuil is the actual stem of all dependent forms in the present). In Ulster it is spoken bisyllabic, so that there the spelling ní fhuil is more fitting.
In Ulster, the negative particle cha(n) is used instead of . Then one writes rather chan fhuil (instead of níl).
(comp. chan eil in Scotland)
Although cha mostly lenites, forms of the verb bí, beginning in b-, are readily eclipsed: cha mbionn, etc.

In the subjunctive present, also go mbí, go mbé is used.

*beite is not used as the verbal adjective ("was"), only as the participle of necessity (lit.: "it is necessars to be "): is beite a + verbal noun = one should, is beite do...a + verbal noun = someone should


Gramadach na Gaeilge

© Lars Bräsicke 1999 / 2000
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