Caibidil a Dó: the adjective (an Aidiacht)

The declension of adjectives (Díochlaonadh na nAidiachtaí)

Declination in general
  which adjectives are declined
  lenition of adjectives
  eclipsis der adjectives
  the cases (of nouns)
  formation of the genitive plural of an adjective
  vocative form of an adjective
  dative of an adjectives
The 3 declensions:
1st declension: all adjectives, ending in a consonant
  with the following subgroups:
  1.1.: those ending in broad consonants enden
  1.2.: those ending in slender consonants enden
  1.3.: those ending in a broad -ll, -nn or a long vowel + -ch
  1.4.: those ending in -ach
2nd declension:
   2.1.: those ending in -úil
   2.2.: those ending in -ir
3rd declension: all adjectives ending in a vowel
irregular adjectives

Rules of thumb for all declensions:

Which adjectives are declined :
Descriptive attributive adjectives, that follow a noun.
Preceding a noun, adjectives are not declined .
Also predicative adjectives are not declined .
Therefore, the comparative is not declinable.

lenition rules:
lenition of an adjective is used:

  1. after feminine nouns in the nominative/accusative singular e.g.: bean mhór = big woman
  2. after nouns in the dative after preposition + article + noun, if
  3. after masculine nouns in the genitive singular e.g.: an fhir mhóir = of the big man
  4. after femin. and masc. nouns in the vocative singular e.g a fhir bhig = little man!, a bhean bheag = little woman!
    but not in the plural: e.g.: a fheara beaga = little men!
  5. after femin. and masc. nouns in the nominative plural, that end in slender consonants (only possible in the weak plural) e.g.: fir mhóra = big men
  6. the "dentals"-rule is not used with attributive adjectives (so d,t,s are indeed lenited also after nouns ending in d,n,t,l,s) e.g.: an bhean dheas = the nice woman
eclipsis of adjectives:
eclipsis of following adjectives today rather obsolete.
It did occur earlier in the genitive plural, and partially also in the dative singular (after eclipsed nouns)
The eclipsis of following adjectives in the dative after an article is today only encountered in Munster, esp. Muskerry.
na mban mbocht = the poor women (today: na mban bocht),
leis an bhfear mbocht = with the poor man (today: leis an bhfear b(h)ocht)

adjectives as prefixes must endure eclipsis:
e.g.: leis an gcorruimhir = with the uneven number, deich ndrochlá = ten bad days

genitive plural:
The genitive plural is equivalent to:

  1. the nominative singular (by a weak plural of the noun) e.g. na bhfear mór = the big men/the big men's
  2. the nominative plural (by a strong plural of the noun) e.g: na mbuachaillí móra = the big boys'
The vocative singular of an adjective is equivalent to:
  1. after masculine nouns (all declensions!) the genitive singular e.g.: a fhir mhóir = big man!, a chara mhóir = big friend! (but not if inanimate objects are used as nicknames for people, and also not after collectives, while then not the vocative but the nominative takes hold)
  2. after feminine nouns of the nominative singular e.g.: a bhean mhór = big woman!
The vocative plural is equivalent to
  1. the nominative plural e.g.: a fheara móra = big men!
A special dative singular of an adjective is hardly common anymore and is replaced with the nominative.
It is used if the adjective comes after nouns in the dative (an own dative form belongs only to feminine nouns of the 2nd and 5th declension).

The dative plural is always the same as the nominative plural.
e.g.: ag na fuinneoga beaga = at the small windows
Even if one uses the old dative plural suffix -ibh with a noun, it is never used with an adjective:
e.g.: ag na fuinneogaibh beaga = at the small windows


1st declension (An chéad díochlaonadh)

All adjectives, ending in consonants.
With the exception of those ending in auf -úil or -ir (2nd declension)
Generally, these adjectives are declined like the nouns of the 1st declension (masculine) or the 2nd declension (feminine).

1st subgroup: adjectives, ending in a broad consonant

Who belongs here:
Most of the adjectives that end in a broad consonant.
(slender consonant: 2nd subgroup)
In written Irish, this means that the last vowel is a a, o or u
What doesn't belong are adjectives ending in -ll,-nn (3rd subgroup) or -ch (3rd and 4th subgroup)
examples: mór = big, dearg = red, gorm = blue, olc = evil

forming the genitive in the singular:

nominative plural

weak plural

- masc. L/E fem.. L/E
nom. sg. - - - L
gen. sg. palat. L palat. + e -
nom. pl. + a -/L + a -/L
gen. pl. - - - -
strong plural
- masc. L/E fem.. L/E
nom. sg. - - - L
gen. sg. palat. L palat. + e -
nom. pl. + a - + a -
gen. pl. + a - + a -

mór = big, after a noun with a weak plural

- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an fear mór an bhean  mhór
gen. sg. an fhir mhóir na mná ire
nom. pl. na fir mhóra na mná móra
gen. pl. na bhfear mór na mban mór
mór = big, after a noun with a strong plural
- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an teach mór an mhuir mhór
gen. sg. an tí mhóir na mara ire
nom. pl. na tithe móra na mara móra
gen. pl. na dtithe móra na mara móra

2nd subgroup: adjectives ending in slender consonants

Who belongs here:
All adjectives ending in a slender consonant.
In written Irish, that means the last vowel is e or i
examples: maith = good, áillinn = beautiful, etc.

forming the genitive in the singular

nominative plural

weak plural

- masc. L/E fem.. L/E
nom. sg. - - - L
gen. sg. - L + e -
nom. pl. + e -/L + e -/L
gen. pl. - - - -
strong plural
- masc. L/E fem.. L/E
nom. sg. - - - L
gen. sg. - L + e -
nom. pl. + e - + e -
gen. pl. + e - + e -

maith = good, after a noun with a weak plural

- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an fear maith an bhean  mhaith
gen. sg. an fhir mhaith na mná maithe
nom. pl. na fir mhaithe na mná maithe
gen. pl. na bhfear maith na mban maith
maith = good, after a noun with a strong plural
- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an dalta maith an ainnir mhaith
gen. sg. an dhalta mhaith na hainnire maithe
nom. pl. na daltaí maithe ainnireacha maithe
gen. pl. na ndaltaí maithe ainnireacha maithe

3rd subgroup: adjectives ending in -ll,-nn or long vowel + -ch

Who belongs here:
Some adjectives, ending in certain broad consonants, are not palatalised in the masculine genitive.
This includes the adjectives ending in -ll,-nn or a long vowel + -ch (e.g.-íoch, -ách, -óch -iuch, -eoch etc.)
As well as adjectives ending in a broad -cht, -ng, -m, and some ending in -r/-rr
examples:  fann = weak, fionn = blond, dall = blind, imníoch = anxious, gleoch = loud, fliuch = wet, bocht = poor
adjectives ending in a short -ach do not belong here (4th subgroup)

forming the genitive in the singular

nominative plural

weak plural

- masc. L/E fem.. L/E
nom. sg. - - - L
gen. sg. - L palat. + e -
nom. pl. + a -/L + a -/L
gen. pl. - - - -
strong plural
- masc. L/E fem.. L/E
nom. sg. - - - L
gen. sg. - L palat. + e -
nom. pl. + a - + a -
gen. pl. + a - + a -

fionn = blond, after a weak plural

- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an fear fionn an bhean fhionn
gen. sg. an fhir fhionn na mná finne
nom. pl. na fir fhionna na mná fionna
gen. pl. na bhfear fionn na mban fionn
fionn = blond, after a strong plural
- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an dalta fionn an ainnir fhionn
gen. sg. an dhalta fhionn na hainnire finne
nom. pl. na daltaí fionna ainnireacha fionna
gen. pl. na ndaltaí fionna ainnireacha fionna

imníoch = anxious,  after a noun with a weak plural
- masc.noun adj. fem. noun adj.
nom. sg. an fear imníoch an ghirseach  imníoch
gen. sg. an fhir imníoch na girsí imníche
nom. pl. na fir imníocha na girseacha imníocha
gen. pl. na bhfear imníoch na ngirseach imníoch
imníoch = anxious,  after a noun with a strong plural
- masc.noun adj. fem. noun adj.
nom. sg. an dalta imníoch an ainnir imníoch
gen. sg. an dalta imníoch na hainnire imníche
nom. pl. na daltaí imníocha ainnireacha imníocha
gen. pl. na ndaltaí imníocha ainnireacha imníocha

4th subgroup: adjectives ending in -ach

Who belongs here:
All adjectives, that end in -ach (or -each).
But not adjectives ending in -och, -ách, -óch, -íoch (3rd subgroup)
examples: salach = dirty, Éireannach = Irish, díreach = direct etc.

forming the genitive in the singular

nominative plural

weak plural

- masc. L/E fem.. L/E
nom. sg.  -ach -  -ach L
gen. sg.  -aigh L  -aí -
nom. pl.  -acha -/L  -acha -/L
gen. pl.  -ach -  -ach -
strong plural
- masc. L/E fem.. L/E
nom. sg.  -ach -  -ach L
gen. sg.  -aigh L  -aí -
nom. pl.  -acha -  -acha -
gen. pl.  -acha -  -acha -

salach = dirty,  after a noun with a weak plural

- masc.noun adj. fem. noun adj.
nom. sg. an fear salach an ghirseach  shalach
gen. sg. an fhir shalaigh na girsí sal
nom. pl. na fir shalacha na girseacha salacha
gen. pl. na bhfear salach na ngirseach salach
salach = dirty,  after a noun with a strong plural
- masc.noun adj. fem. noun adj.
nom. sg. an dalta salach an ainnir shalach
gen. sg. an dalta shalaigh na hainnire sal
nom. pl. na daltaí salacha ainnireacha salacha
gen. pl. na ndaltaí salacha ainnireacha salacha

2nd declension (An dara díochlaonadh)

Who belongs here:
All adjectives ending -úil (1st subgroup) and some ending in -ir (2nd subgroup)
Basically, these adjectives are declined like the nouns of the 3rd declension.

1st subgroup: adjectives ending in -úil

The suffix -úil stems from the word (s)amhail = same, the same and is equivalent to the German suffix -lich or the English -like, -ly, related to the latin simul-. Through this samhail also the definite feminine genitive (samhail - samhla).
Prior to the spelling reform, this suffix was also written -amhail (bródamhail > bródúil)

forming the genitive in the singular

nominative plural

weak plural

- masc L/E fem. L/E
nom. sg.  -úil -  -úil L
gen. sg.  -úil L  -úla -
nom. pl.  -úla -/L  -úla -
gen. pl.  -úil -  -úil -
strong plural
- masc adj. fem adj.
nom. sg.  -úil -  -úil L
gen. sg.  -úil L  -úla -
nom. pl.  -úla -  -úla -
gen. pl.  -úla -  -úla -

bródúil = proud , after a noun with a weak plural

- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an fear bródúil an bhean bhródúil
gen. sg. an fhir bhródúil na mná bródúla
nom. pl. na fir bhródúla na mná bródúla
gen. pl. na bhfear bródúil na mban bródúil
bródúil = proud , after a noun with a strong plural
- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an dalta bródúil an ainnir bhródúil
gen. sg. an dalta bhródúil na hainnire bródúla
nom. pl. na daltaí bródúla ainnireacha bródúla
gen. pl. na ndaltaí bródúla ainnireacha bródúla

2nd subgroup adjectives ending in -ir

Who belongs here:
some adjectives that end in -ir (mostly -air)
examples: deacair = difficult; cóir = just, socair = quiet

forming the genitive in the singular

nominative plural

Widely similar to the 1st subgroup

weak plural

- masc L/E fem. L/E
nom. sg.  -air -  -air L
gen. sg.  -air L  -ra -
nom. pl.  -ra -/L  -ra -
gen. pl.  -air -  -air -
strong plural
- masc adj. fem adj.
nom. sg.  -air -  -air L
gen. sg.  -air L  -ra -
nom. pl.  -ra -  -ra -
gen. pl.  -ra -  -ra -

deacair = difficult, after a noun with a weak plural

- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an t-úll deacair an bhróg dheacair
gen. sg. an úill dheacair na bróige deacra
nom. pl. na húlla deacra na bróga deacra
gen. pl. na n-úll deacair na mbróg deacair
deacair = difficult, after a noun with a strong plural
- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an rud deacair an troid dheacair
gen. sg. an ruda dheacair na troda deacra
nom. pl. na rudaí deacra na troideanna deacra
gen. pl. na rudaí deacra na dtroideanna deacra


3rd declension (an tríú díochlaonadh)

Who belongs here:
All adjectives ending in a vowel.

forming the genitive in the singular

nominative plural

These adjectives do not change at all (aside from an occasional lenition)

weak plural

- masc L/E fem. L/E
nom. sg. - - - L
gen. sg. - L - -
nom. pl. - -/L - -
gen. pl. - - - -
strong plural
- masc adj. fem adj.
nom. sg. - - - L
gen. sg. - L - -
nom. pl. - - - -
gen. pl. - - - -

crua = hard

- masc.noun adj. fem.noun adj.
nom. sg. an fear crua an bhean chrua
gen. sg. na fhir chrua na mná crua
nom. pl. na fir chrua na mná crua
gen. pl. na bhfear crua na mban crua


Irregular adjectives (aidiachtaí néamhrialta)

A few adjectives have irregular declension forms.
(irregular forms highlighted in red)

English nom. sg. gen. sg.  nom. pl. explanation
masculine feminine
short gearr gearr giorra gearra  instead of giorra regularly *girre would be expected.
friendly lách lách láí lácha  instead of láí regularly *láiche would be expected
exact beacht beacht beaichte beachta  instead of beaichte regularly *bichte would be expected
hot te te te teo  instead of teo regularly *te would be expected.
fine breá breá breá breátha  instead of breáthe regularly *breá would be expected.
dry tirim tirim tirime tiorma, tirime  tirime is regular.
fast tapaidh tapaidh tapaí tapaí  tapaí is regular, while -aí is just the new spelling of -aidhe.
beautiful álainn álainn áille áille  the form áille comes from syncopation


Gramadach na Gaeilge

© Lars Bräsicke 1999 / 2000
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