Caibidil a Trí Déag: Sentences and Syntax (Abairt agus Comhréir)


directional adverbs with le
subjunctive clauses

Clauses with directional adverbs and le

The use of directional adverbs as the imperative resembles the German or English: "Runter mit dir!"=Down you go, see the first example)
It may also be used as a normal sentence (in German this is less common, see 2nd and 3rd example)

directional adverb + le + subject Anuas leat!   = Down with you!/Down you go!
Suas an crann leis agus .... = Up the tree with him and....
Síos an bóthar liom....  = I go down the street here...

Often, le is also used with verbs to emphasize the motion:
D'imigh sí léi = She went away . lit.: "left she with her ". Imigh leat = Go away!/Get lost!

The use of directional adverbs as the imperative also allows the use of the imperative plural suffix -igí:
síosaigí libh = down with ye! (also: sit down!)

The subjunctive clause (an clásal foshuiteach)

affirmative: Go  + subjunctive of the verb + subject + object
negative: Nár + subjunctive of the verb + subject + object

go requires eclipsis, nár lenition
subjunctive clauses, that begin with go/nár, are used for wishes, curses, hopes etc.
They act as the optative.

e.g.: Go raibh maith agat = Thank you! (lit.: "That may good be by you")
        Go n-éirí an bóthair leat = Good luck! (lit.: "That rise the way with you!")
        Go dtaga do ríocht = Thy Kingdom come! (lit.: "That may come your kingdom!")
        Nár laga Dia do lámh = May God not weaken your hand! (lit.: "That-not weaken God your hand!")
        Nár lige Dia = God forbid! (lit.: "That-not allow God ")

Other uses of the subjunctive: see tenses


Gramadach na Gaeilge

© Lars Bräsicke 1999 / 2003
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