Caibidil a Cúig: Prepositions (Réamhfhocail)

ó = from, since


ó requires the dative.

Initial Mutations after ó


Combined with the article

Combined with personal pronounes and possessive pronouns

- general contrast form translation possessive pron. translation
I uaim uaimse from me ó mo from my
you uait uaitse from you ó do from your
he uaidh uaidhsean from him óna from hus
she uaithi uaithise from her óna from her
we uainn uainne from us ónár from our
you(pl) uaibh uaibhse from you ó bhur from your
they uathu uathusan from them óna from their

Combined with the indir. relative pronoun and with the indir. relative form of the copula

tense relative part.
(ó + a/ar)
copular form
(ó + ar)
copular form
preceding a vowel
present óna ónar ónarb from him/her/it
preterite ónar ónar ónarbh from him/her/it

Combined with the numeral particle a

ó + a óna

e.g. óna trí go dtí a hocht a chlóg = from 3-8 O'clock


  1. spatial point of origin: from: tar ón bposta = come from the mail
  2. temporal starting point: from / since : ón Nollaig = since Christmas, ó mhaidin = since this morning, ó Lá Fhéile Eoin amach = from St. John's Eve on ,
    also as a conjunction since: ó bhí sí tinn = since she was sick
  3. applied point of origin: from: litir uait = a letter from you, cabhair ó chairde = help from friends
  4. origin of, from fear ó Thrá Lí = a man from Tralee
  5. distance from: míle uaidh = a mile away (from)
  6. distance / loss / absence : Is cuma liom agam nó uaim é = I don't care if I have it or not, is fearr d'fhear bean chéile uaidh =  a man without a wife is better off  ;-)
  7. out of : bí ó bhaol = out of danger
  8. limit: from ...on: ó 10 míle suas = from 10 miles upwards, ó cúig phunt go deich bpunt = from 5 to 10 pounds
  9. reason: bodhar ó thorann = deaf from the noise, tuirseach ó shiúil = tired from walking
  10. with adjectives: deas uait = nice of you, maith uainn = good of us
  11. with adjective: is breá uait = do (sth.) well
  12. needs need, want : tá + object + ó + subject, or   teastíonn + object + ó + subject, or tá + object + ag teastáil + ó + subject: tá spóirt uaim (also teastaíonn spóirt uaim) = I want to have fun, tá bainne uait (teastíonn bainne uait) = you need milk, teastíonn uaim labhairt leat = I want to speak to you
  13. fromó...go): ó thús go deireadh = from beginning to end, ó lá go lá = from day to day, óna hocht go dtí a naoi = from 8-9, ó am go ham =from time to time
  14. with numbers: less, minus (note the reverse order as in English or German!): a dó óna trí sin a haon = 3 - 2 = 1 (lit: "2 from the 3 that-is 1")


Gramadach na Gaeilge

© Lars Bräsicke 1999 / 2000
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